From the gym….
Families are reminded that we are running our Physical Education classes outdoors every day unless there is extreme weather. A little bit of rain or snow is not extreme weather. Students should come prepared with layers of clothing in order to keep warm. Jackets, hats, mitts, scarves, ski pants, boots and even an extra pair of socks help to stay warm and dry.
We have been enjoying being outside with all of our students and we have had the opportunity to try different activities and games.
Intramurals are every lunch hour and students participating need to bring indoor shoes, a water bottle, a lunch and their mask in order to participate. Students come down to the gym at 12:05 and after sanitizing we eat at a distance, wash and mask up and then play for the rest of the lunch hour. We encourage all students to come out for intramurals when it is their cohort day. Please see the attached intramural calendar for each cohorts’ scheduled day.